
Isaac, 3

The Jericho Center, at Every Home For Christ, hosts an almost 24/7 intercessory prayer/worship like IHOP.  It is a beautiful facility, and the atmosphere is even better.  I love sneaking off there whenever I can to soak in the Presence.  I like to take the kids with me, too.  They sit at the tables in the back and draw.  I catch them singing along and the
pictures they draw while in that atmosphere are precious!  Once, Isaac showed me a paper with squiggles all over it and said, "Mama, this is a letter to God.  It says, 'Jesus, I love You in my heart very much!"


Hannah, 5

We went to the Indian grocery store, where the owner is Hindu and has small statues of his gods on the shelf.  Hannah was talking with him and pointed to the statues and said, "Do you pray to those false gods? We don't!  We only worship Jesus!  You should worship Him, too!"


Hannah, 5

I had IHOP's Prayer Room Live Stream playing over my iphone, and God showed up.  I was dancing in the living room, and I noticed Hannah joining me.  She was dancing with the ribbon rings and started repeating this one movement over and over.  She said to me, "Mama, this is my heart opening up to God"  Not a minute after she said that, while she was still dancing, Misty Edwards starts singing in the Spirit about the heart responding to God!  Hannah's eyes got huge and she smiled real big!  It was such a precious moment, when she got to experience not only the presence of God but also moving in His Spirit and connecting with others in that way!