
Isaac, 3

I walked into the living room, where worship music was playing, and found Isaac laying down on the floor.  I bent over him and asked what he was doing.  He replied:  "Oh, I just have the Presence."


Isaac, 3

I was worshipping and Isaac was playing quietly in the room.  The music was soft and the peace of God was heavy.  Isaac laid down on the floor and was still and quiet.  I asked him if he felt heavy like he had to lay down, and he said yes.  So I told him that was the presence of God, the Holy Spirit, and that he could just stay there and think about Jesus and enjoy it.  He stayed that way for 10 minutes or so before getting up and returning to his play!


Isaac, 3

During our family prayers before bed, Isaac was bouncing around, laughing, and talking goofy gibberish, so I asked him if he was praying in the Spirit.  He said, "No, I am praying in giggles!"


Isaac, 3

The Jericho Center, at Every Home For Christ, hosts an almost 24/7 intercessory prayer/worship like IHOP.  It is a beautiful facility, and the atmosphere is even better.  I love sneaking off there whenever I can to soak in the Presence.  I like to take the kids with me, too.  They sit at the tables in the back and draw.  I catch them singing along and the
pictures they draw while in that atmosphere are precious!  Once, Isaac showed me a paper with squiggles all over it and said, "Mama, this is a letter to God.  It says, 'Jesus, I love You in my heart very much!"


Hannah, 5

We went to the Indian grocery store, where the owner is Hindu and has small statues of his gods on the shelf.  Hannah was talking with him and pointed to the statues and said, "Do you pray to those false gods? We don't!  We only worship Jesus!  You should worship Him, too!"


Hannah, 5

I had IHOP's Prayer Room Live Stream playing over my iphone, and God showed up.  I was dancing in the living room, and I noticed Hannah joining me.  She was dancing with the ribbon rings and started repeating this one movement over and over.  She said to me, "Mama, this is my heart opening up to God"  Not a minute after she said that, while she was still dancing, Misty Edwards starts singing in the Spirit about the heart responding to God!  Hannah's eyes got huge and she smiled real big!  It was such a precious moment, when she got to experience not only the presence of God but also moving in His Spirit and connecting with others in that way!


Hannah, 5

Hannah, praying: "Jesus, would You come to me. Because Satan is coming against me to make me angry. Would You please just get to me before he does."


Isaac, Prophetic Picture

Isaac will be like an arrow:  piercing the darkness with Love; flying straight and true in Faith; powered by the Holy Spirit.  The Lord is crafting him accurately and will loose him in power and purpose!


Hannah, 4

Tonight, Hannah stood on the coffee table in the living room and began making these declarations in rapid fire with passion and authority...

"Jesus says, 'I am not a giraffe or a goat.  I am a Lion and a Lamb.'
I will not praise anyone but Jesus.
I will not fear the bad guys because they are killed.  I have a Lion and a sword with me!
I will praise God forever!
I am a sword and I will shine the light of a crown for the Lord.
The Lord is my Helper, I will not fear!
I will praise the Lord and not any statue.  I will praise the only God. 
The Lord is my Savior and I can break the chains of the devil!"


Hannah, 4

The Lord gave me a picture and a word for Hannah:

Like steel and gold, there is great strength and great beauty in Hannah.  For her to be brought to full potential, she will have to go through a tempering and refining process.  God will be with her in the fire and the water.  He is making her into a Sword for the Kingdom and a Crown for the King.  

Hannah, Prophetic Picture

Like steel and gold, there is great strength and great beauty in Hannah.  God will be with her in the fire and water of the tempering and refining process.  He is making her to be a Sword for the Kingdom and a Crown for the King!

"Hannah" - "full of grace"
Grace =
*beauty of form and motion
*Spirit of God to encourage
*virtue of excellence
*moral strength